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How to become a professional makeup artist

How to become a professional makeup artist

How to become a professional makeup artist

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Steps to follow to become a makeup artist
  3. Career growth as a makeup artist
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

In today’s world, glamour and glitter is all the rage in our vicinity. It doesn’t matter how beautiful and gorgeous a woman naturally is, she will, at least once in her lifetime choose to put on some form of make up on her face. This is the exact reason why the make up industry is flourishing all around the globe.

The makeup cosmetics industry as a whole, employees well over a million professionals including both production companies as well as makeup artists all over the world. According to a U.S estimate, the overall worth of the cosmetics industry was over $260 billion in the year 2022 and is expected to cross over $270 billion in 2023.

This fact alone shows you how intense the competition is in the makeup artistry field. However, there are ways to make it into this industry, if you have the right skills and the right type of education along with a lot of practice. Through this article we will try to show you ways on how to can become a professional makeup artist.

Learn how become a professional makeup artist

Learn the basics in the comfort of your home:

As soon as you make a decision of choosing makeup artistry as your career choice, you must start learning the basics of the industry and how to become a professional makeup artist. You don’t need to run towards a training institute the same day, rather you should start a bit slowly. Start with watching YouTube tutorials, they are a great way to start learning the basic terminologies and methods of basic makeup. Once you think you have gained some knowledge about makeup, start practicing the same techniques with your friends, family and of course yourself

Join a makeup training course program:

Once you feel confident within yourself, go out and seek some more knowledge and experience with professionals. Learning under an experienced makeup artist course in Chandigarh will help you in your own career growth. Also, make sure that you keep practicing all the new techniques with your close audience. Remember, practicing on different people with different skin tones and face shapes will sharpen your skills as an artist.

Start freelancing:

the next step might be a little cumbersome as you might need to expand your network by freelancing, which in any job is not easy. Start small, offer to make up your close friends for small family gatherings, or ask someone in your family to become a model for you so that you can practice your skills on them. As soon as you start receiving compliments for the work you have done, start building your profiles on different job posting websites such as LinkedIn and Fiverr etc. and start freelancing on these websites. Slowly and steadily, you will start getting small gigs that will make you some money as well.

Build an attractive portfolio:

always remember to photoshoot each and every person you do make up for. This will allow you to make a decent portfolio which you can later showcase to future employers. Select your best works for the portfolio and keep adding on to it. This portfolio will help you to create an online presence as well. With permission of your clients, you can post these images on social media platforms which will increase your engagement as a makeup artist. Also, you might get offers from other makeup artists to collaborate on some projects as well. This could be a great exercise and experience for your career as you will be able to connect with a large number of audiences through the social media.

Start building your kit:

here comes the most important part, as a makeup artist, your kit is going to be your only companion for a very long time, therefore, choose each and every equipment really carefully. This equipment will be like your arms extensions, invest in them, get the best material that you can get within your budget. Your kit will decide whether you will be able to hike up your charges or not. The kit will decide your clients as well, as word of mouth goes a long way when it comes to the makeup industry.

Be a sponge, always keep absorbing:

This we do not mean literally, but figuratively. You must always be aware of the newest makeup trends and the newest technologies related to your field. This will always give you an edge over your competitors. Also, when you are updated with the latest trends and you capture and showcase them in your portfolio, you attract more clientele as people always want to look as trendy and chic as possible. If your portfolio has a few pictures of the latest designs and latest equipment, your chances of becoming relevant in your field will surely increase.


Staying relevant in an industry as volatile as the makeup industry is really difficult. But if you follow all the steps mentioned above, you will always have a slight advantage over your peers. Also, if you are living in or around Chandigarh, our best in the line makeup course might just be the one you are looking for.


Q. How much time does it take to learn makeup techniques?

A. it depends on your dedication and the level of practice you are applying. If you want to learn faster, you have to practice a lot. There is no easy answer to this question, but the more you practice, the better you’ll become.

Q. What is the expected future career growth in makeup industry?

A. As mentioned in this article, there is still an immense amount of scope in the makeup industry owing to the fact that people from time to time are going to need a professional makeup artist, and if you are one, chances are that they might contact you.

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